I Want To Go To Diseny Land!

I want to go to Disneyland because I like to go on the rides and I like the challenges they have at Disneyland.  The reason why I like

the rides is because I like when they go in circles lots of times and I like when they go up and down and sideways etc. The reason

why I like the challenges is because I love prizes and I like to have fun!!  I like Disneyland because I like the food that’s there because I like

how they make it. I like Disenyland because I like the fire works because it is so colurful and cool

Halloween Is Not Fun

Halloween is not fun because you don’t get a day off from school. I don’t like Halloween because I don’t like the costumes that people wear like skeleton, ghost and bloody stuff. I don’t like when I go to bed and have those night mares of skeletons and ghosts. The reason why I don’t like Halloween is because there is scary shows that Idon’t like to watch. So I don’t watch TV until Halloween is over. The only thing I like about Halloween is candy!

I don’t like Halloween because when there is scary shows on I don’t have anything to do if my parents say no to games ( Wii, computer etc.). Halloween should have changes to the Celebration because the costume that they wear is not appropriate for the young kids.


Why Recess Should Be Longer


It is unfair that recess is only 15 minutes. I think that recess should be longer because we need fresh air and we are in the class room more than outside.